Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Meet the Mets

Shh...just watch.

48 hours

"If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed." - Sylvia Plath

"don't try." - Charles Bukowski

R.I.P. Shea

I Am, I Am, I Am.

I'm a Mets fan. Year after year, shadowed by the fashionable Yankee NYer or a guy named freakin Chipper from early April to a cold, sad day at the end of September. The END OF SEPTEMBER. But, we'll have no more of that.

I was there, at Shea, the last day of the 2007 collapse. Just that word, collapse, makes me feel weird. I watched the culmination of the Yankee dynasty in 2000. I saw "two Mets stars during the 1980s throw no-hitters for the New York Yankees in the twilight of their careers: Dwight (Doc) Gooden on May 14, 1996 and David Cone (a perfect game) on July 18, 1999" (wikipedia.com). I saw The Amazin' Mets win in 1986.

I didn't decide to be a Mets fan. I never walked into a Modell's and stared at the hats and decided which colors I preferred. My grandmother loved Mookie Wilson, my uncle went to Spring Training. Hence, my father was a die-hard, so I'm supposed to believe in what they believed, right? Exactly Right. I suppose I do bleed electric blue and orange. It is, in fact, in my blood. So, here in 2008, ya gotta believe.


man·ic \'ma-nik\ adj (ca. 1924) : affected with, relating to, characterized by, or resulting from mania -- manic n -- man·i·cal·ly \-ni-k(ә-)lē\ adv

manic depression n (1911) : BIPOLAR DISORDER

bipolar disorder n (1980) : any of several psychological disorders of mood characterized usu. by alternating episodes of depression and mania...

morning, 9/26

I would have jumped.
I've seen so much in the last two days that I really don't have the capacity to put into words the ups and downs and ups and down and then more ups and downs I've experienced.
In the rain, under my $5 trash bag poncho, I came to terms with the fact that last night was my last trip to Shea.

...and now all I can do is believe.

words from diggity to charlie and brooklynette.

"You were both there. All I'll say is it's a good thing they put up that wire caging at the back row of the upper deck or I bet people would have started jumping."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


"I'm feeling pretty confident we'll get in [the postseason]. I like what I see, players scratching and clawing. I think we'll do really well from this point all the way 'til the end."
-Jerry Manuel